United Kingdom Hypnotherapist Directory
All of the hypnotherapists listed in the UK practitioner listings have provided evidence that they have completed professional hypnosis or hypnotherapy training. Mind Motivations and The Australian Academy of Hypnosis are not associated with the practice of any Hypnotherapist or Hypnotherapy practice listed on this website and clients are advised to ask any relevant questions regarding the modality and success of treatment and experience of the practitioner at the time of making an appointment. All international practitioner listings on this site are a free service provided to practitioners and potential clients at no cost and no obligation. Mind Motivations and The Australian Academy of Hypnosis take no responsibility for any outcome of any therapy undertaken with or by the therapists listed on this website.
Name | Suburb/s |
P/Code![]() |
Alyn Davies | Portsmouth | view | |
Donna Boggon | Durham | view | |
Bryan Gill | Hitchin | view | |
About Hypnotherapy Sheffield | Sheffield | S1 2FY | view |
Bryan Gill | Whitchurch | SY13 1AZ | view |
Barry Thain | Richmond | TW10 7QX | view |
Dave Sabat | Watford, Herts & Mayfair | WD18 9SB | view |
Gary Dobson | Radlett | WD77NP | view |
Letting Go
I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last few months. I received some really bad news which sent me into a Spiral on Thursday. On Friday night I bought Giovannis Letting go cd and...
Super Self Confidence
Excellent self hypnosis cd. Rick has done a fine job with this one. This cd has given me the confidence to pursue goals that I held back from because I didn't believe in myself.
Quit Smoking
I quit smoking in 2005 using Rick Collingwood's Quit Smoking hypnosis program. I'm proud to say that I have never considered smoking since, thanks to the effectiveness of the hypnosis...