Brisbane Natural Health - Hypnotherapists

At Brisbane Natural Health we have 2 hypnotherapists to help you work through any issues with. Our therapists are both professionally qualified and have years of experience in helping patients. We also offer CBT, EFT, psychotherapy, counselling and other complimentary therapies depending on what you need the most out of treatment.
Our hypnotherapists can help with all kinds of issues. They commonly use clinical hypnosis to treat anxiety, depression, phobias, to build confidence and to reduce pain and discomfort. They also help patients to quit smoking and to lose weight with virtual gastric banding and hypo-band.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 7am to 7pm and Saturdays from 8am to 8pm.
Call us on 07 3367 0337 to ask if we can help you today.
Letting Go
I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last few months. I received some really bad news which sent me into a Spiral on Thursday. On Friday night I bought Giovannis Letting go cd and...
Super Self Confidence
Excellent self hypnosis cd. Rick has done a fine job with this one. This cd has given me the confidence to pursue goals that I held back from because I didn't believe in myself.
Quit Smoking
I quit smoking in 2005 using Rick Collingwood's Quit Smoking hypnosis program. I'm proud to say that I have never considered smoking since, thanks to the effectiveness of the hypnosis...