Go Deeper eBook - Rick Collingwood
This book will teach you awareness and give you practical skills for self empowerment and Creating Your Life on Purpose. Learn to look deeper instead of reacting to your first thought or the opinions of others.

Part one of the book "Illusions," is a deeper analysis of some of the accepted myths used as societal control mechanisms by the powers that be. A degree of control is necessary to ensure the orderly function of any society, however due to the incredible advances in computer and other technologies, control and persuasion techniques can and are being used more and more frequently to manipulate the status quo and dumb down the herd. The first chapter is a closer investigation of other qualified views and opinions about global warming, allopathic medicine, and the monetary system. It is a treatise about remaining aware of immediate reality and what not to fear.
Part two "Reality," offers methods to subtly influence others and maintain your personal power in an increasingly de-personalized society. It is a compilation of logic, self-empowerment, awareness, and a guide to tapping the potentials and power within your subconscious mind, using universal laws, old Philosophy, using persuasive language patterns, and some of my own new millennium philosophy.
A word from Rick Collingwood about his E Book
Three things I know are? Firstly, how effective and creative the power of thought always is, especially when it's combined with imagination, common sense, a strong dose of self belief and active energy. Secondly? The destruction that thought manifests when it's an emotional response, or driven by fear or born from an insecure ego, the consequences of this being irrational behavior and actions. Thirdly, the Governments, the marketing corporations, and the powers that be are all well aware of how easily emotion can influence the mind and the psyche of the masses. This book will teach you Awareness and give you practical skills for Self Empowerment and Creating Your Life on Purpose. Learn to look deeper instead of reacting to your first thought or the opinions of others.
Although my profession catalogues me as a Hypnotist, this book isn't primarily about hypnosis - more so it's a guide to the depths of the workings and capabilities of the inner mind, where personal and creative powers reside. Using little understood but verifiable aspects and capabilities of consciousness combined with common sense, this book will give you effective practical and easy methods to shape and create your life on purpose, manifest your desires; and create success in this often changing and always uncertain world.
Life's quite easy really, it's mostly the limiting effects of fear and ego that can create confusion and cause us to collapse or head in the wrong direction when we're knocked off balance. It is then that you must know what to do.
The entire universe is constructed from inter-dimensional energy. The energy of adhering and cohering atoms create our third dimension where we experience the solid world, but the third dimension only a small fraction of the entire. Everything that exists or happens here, beyond the nature realm, is only the result of actioned or non-actioned thought. Your thoughts manipulate your emotions and your emotions can be creative driving forces or they can cloud your clarity of thought. When you master correct thinking and right action, then you must get your world right. This book will, I trust, help you to do just that.
Thought, feeling, effort, result? There is nothing more. It's how everything, every event, and every circumstance in the third dimensional world got here?
Product Specifications
- 01. Introduction.mp3 (5mins - 6MB)
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